Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Mega Man is the Greatest Game Franchise, Ever!


Sequelitis does a pretty awesome review of MegaMan, and why it is possibly the greatest contribution Japan has ever given the modern world. Definitely worth a view, if just for the comedic value. PS, he goes in on Roll.

Seoul: Midnight and Noon


This guy in Seoul, South Korea took some video footage of several popular spots in the city at both Noon and Midnight. Then he spliced the two videos together to make a pretty interesting montage. Gives you a pretty neat perspective of the cities day time compared to its nightlife.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Commercial! More JPop Madness

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. From what I can see, she is formerly a Harajuku fashion blogger turned j-pop star courtesy legendary electro producer Yasutaka Nakata. Nakata is responsible for other popular groups such as Capsule, Meg, and Perfume. Now Kyary is using the same wackiness that made her first video PONPONPON in her first commercial for some sort of gelatin. Apparently it can make any mundane task from cleaning your house to an stiff conference at the office into something insanely happy. Check it out, maybe it will turn your day around too.

Mini Homemade Sushi Set!

Introducing, Popin Cookin! Make anything from sushi, donuts, ice cream, and more! These cute little sets allow you to make small gummy versions of popular dishes in seconds. The best part is it is only $3.99! Watch the video to see how easy it is made, and click the link to purchase a few boxes!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cat Ears. Controlled by Your Brain!

Ever envied cats for their ability to convey emotions through their ears? Maybe not, but this is pretty neat. These cat ears by NeuroWear will perk up when you are excited, and lower when you are calm. Just like a cat! Check them out.

CubeWorld: Minecraft meets Zelda 3D RPG Game!

I would play this game everyday! Imagine; a mixture the graphics and open world of Minecraft, the adventure and exploring of Zelda, and mix in some RPG elements similar to Secret of Mana 2 on the SNES, and you have CubeWorld (working title)! Though still in development, creator Wollay is actively updating his growing followers waiting for a beta release date. Check out more of his gameplay videos and updates on his blog!

wollay's blog

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Candy Candy. New J-Pop! Pure Madness. Enjoy!


Kyary (from her breakout online hit PONPONPON) comes to us with another song of pure j-pop madness. From faceless dancers, bear slippers, singing onions, machine guns, and well, I won’t spoil everything. Just watch and get lost for the next few minutes.

The Future, TODAY! Working Projector Keyboard

Celluon has successfully created a Projector Keyboard. This connects to any device that has bluetooth capabilities with ease! Be the first out with this! $169.

Click to buy it here!

Bear Attack: Would Your Dog Save You?


An interesting test the Japanese had done simulating a dog walking with its owner when a BEAR attacks. Hilariously, most dogs will ditch their masters. A must watch

Cat Diaries. A Movie Recorded by Cats!

The Cat Diaries. A short film from Friskies, shot entirely from a cat's perspective! Definitely an interesting view.

The Future, TODAY! Robotic Suit for Paralyzed People

Any 90′s kids remember the short lived TV series “The Mantis”? For anybody that doesn’t, it was about a paralyzed man that built a suit that gave him superhuman athleticism. So he decided to fight crime.
Japan is well on its way on making this a reality! This information looks to be a bit dated, but if they continued with their research, the EXO-Squad looks like it will be in our near future.

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